• Before the abstract submission the author should proceed with the Online Registration (Abstract(s) submission is one part of the registration)
  • In order to successfully complete registration, your abstract(s) need to be uploaded.
  • For each abstract you should indicate the other authors and the preferred type of presentation (Oral or Poster).
  • If you don’t receive an e-mail with the confirmation of the abstract(s) submission, please contact us.


  • First author MUST be the presenting author and MUST be registered.
  • Each registrant is permitted to submit TWO abstracts as presenting/first author.
  • Abstracts will be considered only if the following guidelines are respected.
  • Abstracts MUST be submitted electronically according to the given instructions. Abstracts submitted by fax or by email will not be accepted.
  • Abstracts should be submitted in MSWord format or any compatible file format.
  • When submitting your abstract, choose the most relevant topic. However, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to decide on a final topic assignment upon abstract selection.
  • Decision between poster and oral communications will be made by the scientific committee upon evaluation of the submitted abstracts.
  • Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts.
  • No abstracts will be accepted that include presenting authors who do not register to attend the Meeting (EMEC20).


Each registrant is allowed to submit two abstracts as presenting/first author. Abstracts will be considered only if the guidelines are respected. Decision of acceptance of oral or poster communications will be made by the Scientific Committee upon evaluation of the submitted abstracts.

Abstracts should be submitted via the registration site, as a part of registration procedure. Please use the Microsoft Word file Abstract Template available. The abstract must not exceed one A4 page. The abstract file(s) should be saved as Your Last Name and the appropriate abbreviation:

PL - Plenary Lecture, IL - Invited Lecture, OP - Oral Presentation, PP - Poster Presentation, e.g. YourLastName_PL1.doc(x), YourLastName_OP2.doc(x).

The number corresponds to the number of submitted abstract. Accepted abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts (only abstracts of registered participants will be included).

